aaP_arturocr1992 i dont know why but when did change the domain host i cant see again cause the domain not function with port 7800, someone can say me how do?
aaP_arturocr1992 yeah i cant see the host cause when i change domain, new host "https://newDomain.com:7800/ejk4k2" does not work with 7800
aaPanel_Kern aaP_arturocr1992 7800 This is the default port for the panel. Change the domain name directly in the domain of the panel's settings Also check if your domain name has an A record. Cannot be in proxy state. Do you mean this?
aaP_arturocr1992 yes, i change that and when i want enter to aapanel i cant cause the domain not work with port 7800
aaP_arturocr1992 the doamin dont have state proxy and i try change with other port in "bt" function but does work, i try edit domain in aapanel before to change and does work nothing
aaP_arturocr1992 change to https://aapanel.domain.com:7800/er44gd but in the second domain not work port 7800 and first doman yes
aaPanel_Kern aaP_arturocr1992 Can't access using domain name? Did the A record resolve to your server's ip?