inoweb Hello admin I ask for i bug in the server for all mail name is corrupted when i edit for example: i see in the edit windows : com@undefined. ?? Please can you check if there is bug or other ? Best regards
TheWormsUnited inoweb did you add the domain in the system first? Because that means that the system does not have the domain name set to display as select options...
aaPanel_Jose Hello inoweb Open the mail server and press F12, find the interface in the picture to see if there is a domain name returned?
inoweb Hello Thank you for help. Yes i see the domain, no problem !! all work, but when i need to edit password or space disk "quota" no have domain. for few address mail, but the last mail have the domain. Are you understand ? Thx
NinjutsuDEV Why don't you try snapping the server, removing the client/mail server and reinstalling it to see if the same thing happens?
aaPanel_Jose Hello inoweb Can i login your panel to check it? if you can please send your panel login detail to