szone App Store in Chinese after update to 6.8.0 I have tried to reinstall panel with BT 16 command, but it did not fix it.
OleRasmussen I have the same problem after updating to 6.8.0. The update to 6.8.1 didn't fix it 🙁 Have tried BT 16 plus BT 9 ! Please fix ASAP
szone Yes waiting. I need to migrate server, was wondering how to use one click migrator, as I cannot install or see it in App Store. It is showing all chinese. @aaPanel_Jose - Please have a look brother.
JAY szone bro simple use chrome and convert language iam myself using the Chinese version by same method
szone JAY Did that brother, migration went successful. But websites are not working on new server. Website Refused to connect error comes up. Any ideas?
zeroinf run : sed -i -e "s/" /www/server/panel/config/config.json sed -i -e "s/http/https/" /www/server/panel/config/config.json bt > 16 reboot Thanks to thiagotgc . For me i solved on 3 VPS