aaPanel_Jose zeroinf Why do I need to downgrade? It will bring safety hazards and lack of functionality
zeroinf aaPanel_Jose Hi, Jose . Because some strings is in Chinese and for some confingration i need english . Maybe this version ( 7.4.2) is not for non chinese people 🙂 . Can you confirm that all language file is in "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/static/language" ? Thanks for your replay
aaPanel_Jose zeroinf . . It seems that you have installed China's panel you can overwrite the installation with the installation command and execute bt 9to clear the cache after the installation is complete
patdevs aaPanel_Jose Is it possible to add one option for us to select which version aaPanel we want to run on our server because the latest version of aaPanel might not be considered by "us" stable version in certain cases.
zeroinf All done . without error in terminal . But when i try to access panel in browser i receive "You have received an invalid certificate" . with http:// non chance. Solutions ?
aaP_paniket281 now latest version causing 502 error in project it was not there before but after update it popping it in my project frequently not every time but there