amanhstu Another problem. Server migration stopped at 95%. Please check this. What to do @aaPanel_Kern
amanhstu aaPanel_Kern Yes its solved now after disabling https . Also now having a different problem . I have set the domain for aapanel access with cloudflare SSL now its not loading. I meant the panel is not loading. Perhaps removing ssl will work ?
sabirboi04 amanhstu you should disable proxy so that you can access aaPanel CP via domain , you can enable for those domain whom you want to use as website . thanks me later 😁
sabirboi04 amanhstu Let's suppose you wanna use to access aaPanel , so you've to off proxy of this domain or subdomain in this case we need to disable proxy for
sabirboi04 amanhstu yes go to cloudflare select domain choose that record and turn proxied to dns only
amanhstu sabirboi04 its already like that but still not working. Check this screenshot
sabirboi04 amanhstu bro it's 4th time again I'm saying you've to turn off proxy (made it to dns only) than only you can access panel via url
amanhstu sabirboi04 Thanks bro. it worked. Many thanks for your help and sorry for making you annoyed.. lol
sabirboi04 amanhstu btw which os you're using for aaPanel ? Can we talk on telegram we can help each other 😆 Telegram - Xavier_Boy And also choose my answer as best answer ☠️
amanhstu sabirboi04 I was using centos 7. But the server provider asked me to switch as it will not be supported anymore from the end of this year. So I migrated to Debian 11. Will be using Almalinux for other server. How do I share telegram ?