Well, for those wondering the same thing, I did follow this tutorial.
Since im not very experience with linux, it was kinda hard to make it work.
@aaPanel_Jose why not add this by default? Just disabled, but by default? None of the other panels have this option, and I guess many people search for this.
For now the panel is working ok, thanks for the great job ^^
For who is trying to add this, I did it with php 7.2
First of all, this is the directory where you get all the php releases:
https://www.php.net/releases/ Just look for the version you want
I selected this one: 7.2.32 (.tar.gz https://www.php.net/distributions/php-7.2.32.tar.gz)
This was the steps of the instalation:
cd /tmp
wget https://www.php.net/distributions/php-7.2.32.tar.gz
tar -zxvf php-7.2.32.tar.gz
cd php-7.2.32/ext/pdo_dblib/
./configure --with-php-config=/www/server/php/72/bin/php-config --with-pdo_dblib=/usr/local/freetds/
make && make install
After that I have to change some things on freetds.conf at (I use port 3306, but you can use the one you like)
Uncommented TDS protocol version and updated.
tds version = 8.0
Added mssql below examples.
host =
Port = 3006
tds version = 8.0
After that on php.ini have to add the extension line:
extension = /www/server/php/72/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20170718/pdo_dblib.so