Hello. As of now, July 9, 2024. Installing roundcube in aaPanel has version of 1.5.0. But now the roundcube website has stable version of 1.6.7
I will help you how to upgrade roundcube to the latest version and I am going to use roundcube version 1.6.7.
First backup your roundcube webfiles and roundcube database file. Then download the roundcube 1.6.7 file. I used SSH command and used wget
wget https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.6.7/roundcubemail-1.6.7-complete.tar.gz.
Then unzip or unpack the zip files on your selected folder.
Then cut and paste the unpacked zip file to roundcube folder.
If the system requires you to install php ldap extension, then install it. In order to use roundcube to PHP version 7.3 and up, you must install php ldap extension.

If you have problem with composer and it requires you a selected PHP version, you can modify it through editing your platform_check.php file.

If you are having trouble and you got a SMTP error: Authentication failed, you need to modify your file in yourroundcubefolder/config/defaults.inc.php
just remove or comment the $config['smtp_host'] and put this code $config['smtp_server'] = 'tls://yourmailserverurl:587';
You can also remove the port 587.

It is simple.