We got infected also and we got everywhere files with aleatory names "QtnD8K" Trojan:Linux/Multiverze
Banned from OVH and accused of Phishing
Also an invisible file /index [.] html?iqbhbwgdvbefjnGVFXEreDCvygBYhbUni%7Cm%7CmIJnHUBGvTFCrEt*rdFTGVY
This virus is not casual and appears just when we started using aapanel.
Also, OVH accused us to:
-pass the native CentOS security
-create a phishing website
-create DNS record for a sub-domain
-send phishing mail
-make DDoS attacks (catch by VAC engine)
Obviously we didn't make no one of this actions so... FUCK MEN !!!
aaPanel need NOW an antivirus with active supervising.
I try Clamav but it's needed manual analysis. Any ideas about antivirus that can hace active file analizer?