Hi there, i have installed aapanel ver 7.0.5 in sevreal servers, but i have the following issue regarding the SSL renew of my sites:
-The cron job runs well and the log shown this:
|-A total of 1 certificates need to be renewed
|-Renew the visa certificate and start checking the environment
|-Renewing certificate number of 1,domain: ['xxxx.com']..
|-Creating order..
|-Getting verification information..
|-Verify the dir:/www/wwwroot/xxx.com//.well-known/acme-challenge
|-Verification type: http-01
|-Verifying domain name..
|-1 Query verification results..
|-Verification succeeded!
|-Sending CSR..
|-Downloading certificate..
|-Renewed successfully!!
I assume that the ssl was renewed fine with no issue, but if i go to the website panel, the site shows this:

if i refresh the panel, still show like that.....I don't know why ...if the cron work well, why is not show as renewed in the website panel????
Thanks for your help!!