engteam KrzysztofMaciejewski do I have to release this command line? > # IP address/port to listen to (default=all IP and port 21). > Bind,21 https://prnt.sc/uj6ual
aaPanel_Jose engteam If your server has a security group (aws, google) , you need to enable port 21 and 39000-40000 in the security group
engteam hello, @aaPanel_Jose these doors are already released on the security panel of the panel see the image https://prnt.sc/ukqrpo
aaPanel_Jose engteam This is the security page of the panel. Please check if your server console has a security group. If so, you need to allow the port in it
engteam good evening . aaPanel_Jose can't find security on the server side, but I found that part of the ssh key, follow the image link. https://prnt.sc/um56gf
aaPanel_Jose engteam Please check this document to see if it is useful https://docs.hetzner.com/konsoleh/development/openports/
engteam aaPanel_Jose aaPanel Can't find anything ultio in this document, would you like to access my panel to solve the problem?
engteam aaPanel_Jose it's in ketzner, but I can't access this panel https://konsoleh.your-server.de/login.php
engteam aaPanel_Jose when I put the insecure protocol as in the image https://prnt.sc/uq8d5a it appears this error, https://prnt.sc/uq8dmc, even taking the credentials inside the panel of the aapanel in the ftp tab as in the image
aaPanel_Jose engteam Please do not disclose your ftp address and username. I have deleted the picture for you, if possible, please send the panel login information to jose@aapanel.com and I will arrange a time to check it for you
aaPanel_Jose engteam Sorry because we cannot reply to your questions in time during vacation these days I just tried to log in to your ftp and found that the files can be listed normally. It seems that your problem has been solved