aaP_kaysarul_h31 you mean you want use wordress 404 page as your default not found page?
if you use website to add your wordpress, you can follow these steps:
- go to website menu
- click on wordpress domain you use
- click config
- find error_page 404 /404.html; and you can comment or delete it.
- save
if you use wordpress toolkit:
- go to wordpress toolkit menu
- click on wordpress domain you use
- click config
- click config file
- find error_page 404 /404.html; and you can comment or delete it.
- save
You can do the same for error 50x, you can comment or delete the 50x too if you dont want use it. remember, don't change anything you don't know. make sure you know what you doing.
actually you can use custom 404. just go to website, click default page, then click 404 page. you can create your custom 404 there