After upgrading to version 7.0.13 some errors appear, e.g. during the configuration of cron jobs, when I try to set up a failure notification by mail; also the recurring fail2ban problem returns: there is no way to start it neither from the panel nor from the terminal.
mail error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/__init__.py", line 2602, in publicObject
return run_exec().run(toObject, defs, get)
File "/www/server/panel/BTPanel/__init__.py", line 2548, in run
result = getattr(toObject, get.action)(get)
File "/www/server/panel/class_v2/config_v2.py", line 3051, in set_msg_config
result =obj.set_config(get)
File "/www/server/panel/class/msg/mail_msg.py", line 122, in set_config
mail_address = self.__mail_config['send']['qq_mail']
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^KeyError: 'qq_mail'
After running the FIX option the panel rolls back to version 7.0.11, but the problems continue...
What is the procedure to follow?