sirfpsycho Hello, I am hosting only 50mb script on my website. but disk is 40gb full now. It is increasing daily. What is causing the disk full? How can I reduce the disk usage?
sirfpsycho www/server/data I click to calculate and it shows 1GB. Edit: I clicked on www and calculated all the 4 folders and wwwlogs has 28GB here is the ss for all the 4 folders
ViperBlood sirfpsycho In App store install Log Cleanup. Your problem will be solved.
sirfpsycho ViperBlood should I clean all the three logs? will it produce any error on my running website? also I am using reverse proxy system. If I remove logs then will it give any error on it?
sirfpsycho aaPanel_Jose there is mysql log, system log and php sesssion in my other servers. Can I clean those? Any error will occur?
sirfpsycho aaPanel_Jose I have mysql log ,php session log, website log. Here is the screenshot. If I clear these all logs then any problem will come?
idflorin sirfpsycho PHP session will force user log-out. Make a DB backup and clean MySQL logs. The rest is safe.
sirfpsycho idflorin I have running websites on the server. It is not possible to take sql backup because sql updates every seconds. Is there any safe method to clean logs so that I can not loose my data?