desvampire Hi! I have 10 Wordpress sites on my VPS 1core 2Gb RAM. 5-20% average CPU load. Every site has WP Rocket cache - so it serves static html files. But MYSQL service stops day by day. Its so annoying to manually check if the MYSQL service is working or not. I really like this panel in all things, but I can't understand why MYSQL service stops. Here is links to mysql log.txt. Many thanks! I did put all logs and screenshots at Google drive folder. Many thanks for help!
aaPanel_Jose desvampire You can see in the following error message that mysql stopped because there was not enough memory allocated to mysql please try to add swap using linux tools
Stealth desvampire Hey Vampire, 1 core is not enough for my 1 WP site, not 10... But okay, when no many user visiting. But 2GB ram to system and all 10 sites...