You may download from this wetransfer link.
you need to create a website with subdomain
extract everything into the newly created website directory
change the info to suit yourself in config.php. the database path should be pointing to the default mailserver location which is /www/vmail/postfixadmin.db, in case your database name or path is different, you may change it.
if you have installed roundcube via the deployment tool in appstore, then you may skip this part. otherwise, you need to change the /www/vmail directory permission to allow www to access.
chmod 770 /www/vmail
chown vmail:www /www/vmail
chmod 660 /www/vmail/postfixadmin.db
chown vmail:www /www/vmail/postfixadmin.db
go to terminal, enter sudo visudo
add this line to last row of the User privilege specification, www ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
(this step might be risky for some people, as it might expose your security to public. if you have concern regarding the security, please skip this step. this step will show you the usage by each account, if you skip this step, each account will return 0 in the usage.)
now you will be able to access the administration tool from the website url that you created in step 1.
the login is same as the 1 you created in mailserver. you need to change the user type to admin in order for the user to login.
This administration tool is not compatible with php 8.x, you will need to switch it to php 7.4 or below
It should be more than enough for those who wanna do a email hosting for multiple domains or clients. it works like a reseller function for the email hosting.