Let's Encrypt Certificate Won't work...
I have added let's encrypt for domains and subdomains all work fine, but it doesn't work for one website "lifequotes.pictures". I get no error, it activates and shows that certificate is active. However, when I try to browse that site it shows certificate is not valid and blocks connection (just like it does for the AAPanel).
I checked my folder lifequotes.pictures/.well-known/acme-challenge/ and found it was empty. That' the reason it is failing to work. I tried issuing certicate multiple times, so I have also been blocked to issue new certificate for that domain because of LetsEncrypt limition to issue limited number of certificate. Now tell me how I can work around. Is there any way to put the file into lifequotes.pictures/.well-known/acme-challenge/ folder manually. If so, that should work for me. (Note: I have already tried DNS verification, but same msg that I have already issued too many certificate).