jalfared My website completely get unavailable like deleted wheneven I Enter Domain in Settings --> Server IP and click Save. Instead of gettin Panel access by website I lose my whole vps. I read this whole thread and nothing working here Kindly help or if its permanent issue I have to switch from aaPanel. @aaPanel_Jose
aaPanel_Jose jalfared After setting the domain name on the panel, is your website or your panel inaccessible?
Dhanamerdeka try other browser... and setting it from there, if you using mozilla you can always try to go to website without ssl
hashben I Cannot access my aapanel get error Sorry, You do NOT Have Permission to Access. Please check the domain! View domain bound: cat /www/server/panel/data/domain.conf Turn off access limit: rm -f /www/server/panel/data/domain.conf My panel cannot be accessed now.
kritiksah Okay, I was having this same problem, and I got its solution. to solve it put https:// before your panel address and then go to websites > settings > SSL and enable Force HTTPS.