aaP_admin193 aaPanel_Jose I'm facing the same issue here. Every single verification code I tried after binding QR code is not work at all. it informs invalid code every time. I tried to change server time but it didn't help. Could you please help me resolve this?
aaPanel_Kern aaP_admin193 Hi,It is recommended that you check whether the server time is the same as the phone time. try to bind and then rebind
aaP_admin193 aaPanel_Kern this is what I did to change time zone. the local Time in command line and server time in setting are not exactly correct with my time on computer, the real time is over 17:42 at the time I checked time in command line and setting. they are a bit sooner.
aaP_esales2000 I've been using Aapanel for a few years with Google Auth ... But, now I cant log in using the Google Auth app .. ( getting verification error ) any one else have this issue?
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please check whether the time of the server and Google Auth are consistent? aaP_esales2000