aaP_bhagoes86 how to resolve panel with error "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application."
aapanel_sniper Can you tell me your operating system release number? uname -a is an uname -a and cat /etc/redhat-release There's also the aapanel version number cat /www/server/panel/class/common.py |grep -E "g.version\s*=\s*" like this
aapanel_sniper Hello, the following operations in order to perform, and then print out the error message of the screenshot have a look. After visiting the home page, display 500 errors The SSH terminal executes BT 22, and then reports the error and prints the screenshot for me to have a look
boxhn.com Error in Ubuntu server and Raspberry PI The update process has been carried out through the bt 16 command The problem has not been requested If you require collaboration in diagnosing the problem from my team, I can help you with whatever you need. UBUNTU 20.04.2 LTS RASPBERRY PI
boxhn.com In Ubuntu with the bt 16 command I get the following error. Hope this helps to fix the problem
boxhn.com Resolved by disabling display on dashboard for all plugins. Go to: http://yourdomain:port/soft
neotheghost I can confirm this error. Startpage gives an Error 500, other pages work. After disabling the "Display on dashboard" for all Apps, the startpage works normally. System:CentOS 7.9.2009(Py3.7.9) Panel Version 6.8.11