RavenRAMIREZ Hello I have a problem with the mail server, what should I do? here is the error: Some cloud vendors (such as Google, Amazon) close port 25 by default, and you need to contact the vendor to open port 25 before you can use the post office service normally
RavenRAMIREZ aaPanel_thisyear Hello; Yes I understood that there was a problem, however, how to fix it? And I am not with a host I have my own server.
idflorin RavenRAMIREZ First https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204404564/checking-your-outgoing-mail-server-(is-port-25-blocked) Second, If port 25 is closed talk to your ISP.
RavenRAMIREZ egc_cluj Thank you for your help however I think I need to change port 25 to 587 or another port in the mail server settings but where is it? @aaPanel_thisyear, @aaPanel_Jose .
aaPanel_thisyear egc_cluj Hello, port 25 is necessary for communication between mail servers and cannot be changed.
egc_cluj RavenRAMIREZ by default aaPenel sets the smtp to Port:25/465/587 you only need to forward it on your router if you have any
aaPanel_thisyear RavenRAMIREZ Hello, port 25 is necessary for communication between mail servers and cannot be changed.
rafaelfmachado I also need to change, I use digital ocean, I even opened a ticket, but they said it would only work on port 587
thiagotgc I have already informed aaPanel that port 25 must be closed to the end user, it must be only for communication between email servers. For end user, 465/587 must be used Unfortunately, port 25 on aaPanel is still open for end user connection ...
RavenRAMIREZ If port 25 is necessary then it means that the mail module on your panel is bugged because it was working perfectly a week ago and suddenly it crashes aaPanel_thisyear @aaPanel_Jose
aaPanel_thisyear RavenRAMIREZ Hello, suddenly collapsed, what is the error message, screenshot error message to see
aaP_odiditech This is exactly my issue. I just installed the plugin and i cant send messgae. they said port 25. "Some cloud vendors (such as Google, Am azon) close port 25 by default, and you ne ed to contact the vendor to open port 25 before you can use the post office service normally"
egc_cluj aaP_odiditech most ISP wont open port 25 ! use port 587 instead, and reconfigure the clients settings.
aaP_casexfinance To Action From -- ------ ---- SSH ALLOW Anywhere mDNS ALLOW Anywhere 25 ALLOW Anywhere 25/tcp ALLOW Anywhere SSH (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) ff02::fb mDNS ALLOW Anywhere (v6) 25/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) @aaPanel_Jose @aaPanel_thisyear im already done open port 25 but i can't try sending email
aaPanel_Jose aaP_casexfinance Type the following command: telnet your.domain.name 25 View Results: If Port 25 is not blocked, you will get a successful 220 response (text may vary). Trying Connected to your.domain.name Escape character is '^]'.