aapanel_power sirfpsycho Hello, this has little to do with your operating system, you should check the maximum execution time of php here and the maximum execution time of nginx|apache
aaPanel_Jose sirfpsycho It may be that curlwas updated when yum update was executed to update the system. Try to install the curl version that was updated last time.
aapanel_power sirfpsycho So do you know exactly how long your url execution will take? If it takes twice as long to execute, check if the code in your url is executing very slowly
sirfpsycho aapanel_power I have added 10x time but still same issue. I think my server has messed after updating of aapnael. Can you please fix?
aapanel_power sirfpsycho Hello, update AAPanel is the updated AAPanel program, he is written using the Python language, you want Curl's website is also using Python?I can assist you here to check what the problem is caused by my email: bt_dapao@qq.com
sirfpsycho aapanel_power I have doubt are you admin? because your email is qq.com but jose who is the first admin has email jose@aapanel.com Sorry but I have little doubt.
aaPanel_Captain sirfpsycho he is the administrator of aapenl, and I can testify about this. He does not have an email address in the @Aapanel.com format