JAY69 This is the best panel and ive tried all of them, but i keep getting security errors. thats from open cart and wordpress is even worse , i cant even see the themes anymore. and everything was working fine. all of a sudden its gone crazy.
JAY69 WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed. Looks like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Contact your hosting provider. Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate its not self signed
aaPanel_Jose Hello JAY69 Your application cannot create the file /storage/logs/error.log. It is recommended that you set it to your site directory, such as /www/wwwroot/youdomianname/logs/error.log If you cannot modify it, you can create the file manually, and change the /www/wwwroot/youdomianname/.user.ini file content open_basedir=/www/wwwroot/test.com/: /tmp/: /proc/ Changed to open_basedir=/www/wwwroot/test.com/: /tmp/: /proc/: /storage/logs/ For questions about certificate errors, you can refer to this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21187946/curl-error-60-ssl-certificate-issue-self-signed-certificate-in-certificate-cha