Install scriptURL= && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO "$URL" ;else wget --no-check-certificate -O "$URL";fi;bash 894a1257
Note: You must install aaPanel for a new system that has not installed other environments such as Apache/Nginx/php/MySQL. It is recommended to use centos 7.X
Provide convenient website management functions, such as domain name binding, apply for SSL certificate, change website configuration, etc.

CPU, RAM, Disk IO, Network IO monitoring, you can set the number of days to save the record and check the data of a certain day at will.

SSH terminal management, you can add and bind multiple servers and add common commands.

Crontab can be added and executed periodically, shell scripts are supported, website, database backup and log cutting are provided.

A complete file manager supports uploading, downloading, packaging, decompression, and file editing and viewing.

Through the web interface, you can easily manage the server software used for installation, as well as extension plug-ins.