ishanganteng123 when I upload a wp content file, the notification appears. please help me solve this problem.
aaPanel_Kern ishanganteng123 Hello, does the panel use proxy access? The message shows that it is not possible to connect to the panel: Use the ssh tool to log in to the server and execute commands with root privileges to check whether the panel is running? : bt status
aaPanel_Kern Hi, check if the panel access port is correct? bt 14 At the same time, check whether the system firewall and the security group of the server provider have opened relevant ports? You can check if a site is open using this website ishanganteng123
aaPanel_Kern Hello, what browser are you using? Try to change the browser to see if it can display normally? Is it normal to use the incognito mode of the browser? ishanganteng123
ishanganteng123 Hello,, I use chrome browser, and I tried to replace firefox browser I was able to upload files,, thank you for the solution.
__rudraaksh_ __rudraaksh_ edited nano file with command sudo nano /www/server/php/74/etc/php.ini (install nano first if not installed) it worked