aaPanel_Jose Change Log: Add panel ajax encryption mechanism Add adminer module Optimize panel login speed Optimize home page loading speed Release mail server 4.0 Release sys firewall 2.2
CQT aaPanel_Jose Clean work @aaPanel_Jose, a lot has happened, if you tell me now where you have moved the proxy so that I can also look at it, I would be very grateful if it weren't better to put it outside the www directory? ! There should also be a way to determine the Proxy_Cache Time yourself. Continue for geoip input mask and take into account the saving of subnetworks
aaPanel_Jose NinjutsuDEV Please do not install it. I just accidentally put it on and now it has been deleted. 😅
NinjutsuDEV @aaPanel_Jose I will not raise this here or in a new thread but. Are you planning to improve the site accelerator load time? It happens that while you are configuring you have to wait a long time between each action, it takes approximately 3 or 4 seconds to load the list of sites. (4-Core Server at 2.3GHz)
JAY forme nginx and supervisor is not updating it showing me to update to lower version of nginx and supervisor is not update it shows as completed and it return for update again
aaPanel_Jose jackvo183 Have you tried restarting on the command line? The command issystemctl restart mysqld, if it still doesn’t work, I think I need to kill it before restarting.
Stealth I have too problem with MySQL 5.7.31, there is an UPDATE, clicked, all running, but after finished still 5.7.31 and UPDATE there. I clicked 3x, restarted the server, nothing help :/
aaPanel_Jose Stealth @JAY The update problem is caused by switching the software list storage node to the aaPanel domain name. It has been fixed now
aaPanel_Jose CQT could you tell me which Proxy do you mean? Does the Proxy_Cache refer to the cache time of the website speed?
jazz1611 @aaPanel_Jose hello, i dont know why cronjob run execute php file and result create file is root owner, not www owner.
aaPanel_Jose jazz1611 This is because the user who executes php under the command line is root, you can add sudo -u wwwbefore the command to achieve the effect of using the www user to execute the command, so the file created is www for example sudo -u www /www/server/php/74/bin/php /www/wwwroot/testmail.com/1.php
ChatHost Hello dear, It seems to me that I acted in search of help and the system blocked me, please release me from the blockage because I did not do anything wrong but I asked for help after I deleted and installed the server 3 times today because I had problems with the panel.