torosa Hi. aaPanel_Jose. I have this bug in my phpmyadmin. I did a new installation. But the problem remains. This bug appears when I click on privileges. Look. How to solve?
torosa aaPanel_Jose Hi. I took a print for you. Before performing a new installation. Phpmyadmin 5.0.2 was installed and had the same bug. I did a test and installed on the server via command in the termnia without using the panel. This problem does not appear.
aaPanel_Jose torosa Generally speaking, the php prompt error is because the php version used is incorrect, you can try to change the php version of phpmyadmin
torosa aaPanel_Jose Hi. Thanks for the tip. Leaving here what I did to solve this problem. I did several tests. The only thing that took away this bug was to undo mariadb 10.4 and install mariadb 10.3. With mariadb 10.3 you can use php 7.3 or 7.4 that the bug does not appear.