Hyperizon When I click on the databases option, the screen does not change, it stays on the previous page I did fix it did not fix
aapanel_power Hello, I'm very sorry for failing to understand what you mean, is it that the stop and restart functions cannot be used normally?
Hyperizon The screen does not appear when you click on Datebase. The previous one also stays on the screen.
aapanel_sniper Hyperizon Sir, let me bring you feel very sorry for the inconvenience. Please try to click ‘fix’ in the upper right corner of aapanel’s ‘home’ and try the ‘mongodb’ operation again.
aaPanel_Captain Hyperizon open the developer mode of the browser, click on the database option and see if there is any error in the returned information
Hyperizon I have added database user, as I understand it cannot be connected because there is no place to enter username and password in the panel.