ducdo Hello @aaPanel_Jose , I using WSL (Ubuntu 16.04) on Windows 10. And i installed AAPanel. It works pretty well. But, if I restart aapanel, it will show an error like the image below. Hope you fix it soon, please 😃 Thanks so much
Stealth The Fail2Ban is brutal working!!! Finally, thank you very much!!! 🙂 Adding in future mod_evasive and mod_security for Apache too?
kaz050457 hi aaPanel_Jose is there a command to restart a certain python app(flask). I want to restart a flask app in certain time through cron job.. Thanks
ducdo aaPanel_Jose 😂 But aaPanel is very perfect. If I could, I would install aaPanel everywhere. =)))))))))))))))))))))))
aaPanel_Jose kaz050457 Because you are deploying a python application, we don't know the specific deployment path and parameters. You can set the restart plan in the cron menu. jazz1611 Currently you can observe the site log size to confirm which site is using the resources.
jazz1611 @aaPanel_Jose hello, please add feature the per pool php as per domain. i'm facing abuse usage of resource but dont know what domain abuse it. many php processing