aaPanel_Jose Michael Roundcube in the Recommend tab @arfgmh uninstall one-click deployment and install again
aaPanel_Jose Michael This seems to be because the network is unstable and the downloaded file is blank. If you try again a few times, you can send me the panel login information and I will check it for you.
aaPanel_Jose Michael zhwyeah@gmail.com @trustdee I just tested without this problem. May I log in to your panel to check it?
trustdee Log from roundcube [19-Dec-2019 09:48:27 +0800]: <g6kv1vjb> IMAP Error: Login failed for test@test.com from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /www/wwwroot/mail.test.com/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 196 (POST /?task=login&action=login)
aaPanel_Jose Kasi Kasi It is in one-click deployment , if you do n’t see it please uninstall and reinstall the plugin, we are checking why it is not displayed
jcmDK aaPanel_Jose hi it works thanks. Question how do I get spam filter in roundcube working have installed SpamAssassin
aaPanel_Jose Kasi Please install one-click deployment to show supported php versions, we will arrange time to test 74 support