jazz1611 hello, i was installed nginx 1.17 + php 7.0. i try create SSL for website but failed. please look screenshot. thank you.
aaPanel_Jose hello, please follow the 5 tips in the screenshot above to check your site and try to reapply after the check is complete.
jazz1611 hello, i not first time use your panel. tried many way but failed. you can try it by yourself. also i see it use OpenSSL 1.1.1b not 1.1.1c
aaPanel_Jose jazz1611 I tried to use the nginx1.7 and php7.0 built wordpress site to apply for the ssl certificate. which verification mode do you use?
Denyka jazz1611 try to uncheck advanced mode. i have this before then redo with uncheck advanced mode. this work well
jazz1611 aaPanel_Jose hello, i use method "file verification" Denyka uncheck "Check domain in advance" still dont work
aaPanel_Jose jazz1611 Can you access this file? http://your.domain.name/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt
aaPanel_Jose jazz1611 This should be no problem.. Can I log in to your panel to check? if allowed send your panel url,account,password to my email, thank you zhwyeah@gmail.com
SS88 @aaPanel_Jose Did you fix this? I'm first time user but I have this problem too. I used File verification and received the same error. DNS verification worked for me.
aaPanel_Jose SS88 Can you access this file? http://your.domain.name/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt
SS88 aaPanel_Jose It is working for me now. I updated the Panel to the latest version. I will let you know if the problem reoccurs.
CQT for me it is now, problem has been resolved. if the domain was angegt or IP freshly changed, it may be because the DNS entries are not complete, so after a two hours start again.