pradhan With Cloudflare proxied, This will not work I believe. Ensure you are on the grey mark and not orange and try once more and see if it works.
pradhan JAY hey Jay. Weak English - you can call it. 🙂 Sorry for the trouble and thanks for rectifying.
JAY pradhan sorry iam rude on reply i was saying that when i use selfname servers this problem is arising but not with CF or other Namservers hosting.
JAY aaPanel_Jose i think i told you already on above its not happening while using self dns hosting not cloudflare or others
aaPanel_Jose JAY Sorry I will arrange this to be tested @[deleted] Sorry, please communicate in English
aaPanel_Jose JAY Because each renewal needs to request the DNS server to automatically add a TXT record as verification, the manually verified domain name does not support renewal. We will arrange time to add a processing interface to the dns server on the panel
JAY aaPanel_Jose i renewed manually not automated i created record and tried to validate its not working after check all i posted.
aaPanel_Jose JAY The manually set record will fail to verify after clicking the renew button. This is because the renew certificate will recreate a certificate order but the record value of the new order is different from the record value of the first certificate application. We will try to solve this problem