Hamka aaPanel_Jose I have updated ... but I can't find a version like that ... then I tried to delete it and I failed when I wanted to reinstall it.
aaPanel_thisyear Hamka Hello, exit the panel, then ctrl+f5 clear the browser cache, and then log in to the panel to have a look
ganteng is this for non-free (professional version) of Nginx WAF ? I could not find this feature in aaPanel 6.8.8 either
aaPanel_Jose ganteng Could you provide the temporary login link for the panel ? if possible please send to jose@aapanel.com
aaPanel_thisyear Toyota Hello, add yandex bots to spider pond. This suggestion has been fed back to the corresponding developers for discussion. In addition, the captcha jumps to the page and cannot be modified.
Toyota aaPanel_thisyear Do I need to add a Yandex Bot myself? I don't want to add a list of IP addresses to the bookmarks of other bots. How do I create a new bookmark? So that there is only a Yandex Bot.
idflorin Toyota add just yandex https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/robot-workings/check-yandex-robots.html
aaPanel_thisyear Toyota Hello, the functions not integrated in the firewall need to be added for the time being.
jazz1611 @aaPanel_Jose @aaPanel_thisyear hello, I'm getting large CC attack. i was set Enhanced Mode with default setting in 5 mins and it blocked alot CC attack then i switch to Auto Mode with default setting. Still counting the CC attack Can you suggest the setting for there Mode? Also i see when access to domain.com and it auto redirect to domain.com/?btwaf=xxxxx Do it have affect to SEO site in google rank?
jazz1611 @aaPanel_Jose we paid for Plugin and not getting any help when we need? please response ASAP. thank you!