And again do not get me wrong, we have managed to pass all SPF / DKIM and DMARC validations, not because we use the mail from AAPAnel, because we deployed mailcow outside of AApanel.
In fact the only good and strong thing about this panel, its the underlying stack on what is coded.
I love the idea of:
mixed together.
Yet the quality of the code overall, and the UX/UI experience simply lacks behind competition.
When is last time you folks checked a cPanel demo, or a Plesk demo? Thats where you should start building up. Still I do notice not much intrest since you can see how many servers are deployed world wide, you also know if they are in production or not by the data gathered.
You also fail to inform users about any 3rd party gathering data, and thus by GDPR you can get fined in Europe easily.
Please dear admins and developers, stack holders, this is a not a joke, we need security online, and there is not a siongle excuse to not provide it. The development should be in 2 sides focused the most, SECURITY FIRST, AND SECOND ON UX/UI EXPERIENCE.
If one can touch the two in the right ammount, you get a quality product, your work will be self promoting.
Until then ajenti and such stacks, are WAY more stable, now we speak about ajenti and their panel doings, even if one deployed it 5 years ago, without one single upgrade, those servers will work, this means simple, clean powerfull code in python, you are getting bloated, and this translation / transition project manager you have for EUrope / America, is not doing his job as he should, again I just say based on what I see as a Professional, user and consumer in same time.
Improve, or stay in that market, leave this one to those who want to improve.
If you would had worked on the points I made in over 40+ posts here in past 1 year, your product now would have more customers, and paying customers even. Because a small support monthly fee is welcomed for everyone who makes 10000 $ usd a month they can pay 20 or something for getting a good quality support.
A good product does not live from support, only corporations like IBM and Google, will. make money from tickets opened by their customers, and will even keep these tickets for the ammount of time they are secure and withing SLA limits.
When you add SLA to your product, you can speak business. Until then you are just trying to enter a market, yet you lack all the skills to do it. Change change change, do not ignore these threads if you dont want a proper ticketing tool, at least do not make waste, this is all a waste, of time and ressources, if change is not implemented.
In 5 years maybe a new tech will replace DNSSEC and DANE, so if you dont implement them now, waiting until they are obsolete wont get you any value.