The newly installed webmail already supports the function of changing the password
If you don't want to renew webmail, you can modify the configuration
$config['plugins'] = array('attachment_reminder', 'autologon', 'emoticons', 'password');
$config['password_driver'] = 'sql';
$config['password_db_dsn'] = 'sqlite:////www/vmail/postfixadmin.db';
$config['password_query'] = "UPDATE mailbox SET password=%p WHERE username=%u";
Replace the already installed sql.php with the new installation package sql.php
Add at the end of the configuration /www/wwwroot/yourwebsite/.user.ini

Modify postfix database file permissions
chown vmail.www /www/vmail
chmod 770 /www/vmail
chown vmail.www /www/vmail/postfixadmin.db
chmod 660 /www/vmail/postfixadmin.db