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Cron overview

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Add TaskAdd a scheduled task
NameDisplay scheduled task name
StatusDisplay task status, click to Disabled or Running scheduled tasks
Execution cycleDisplay the execution cycle of scheduled tasks
Final execution time
Display the last execution time of scheduled tasks
RemarksDisplay and modify notes of scheduled tasks
ExecuteClick to execution this task now
EditEdit specified tasks
LogView the execution log in this task, can check the task execution results
DeleteDelete the specified task

Add Task or Edit

  1. Website Backup

    Backup this user's website

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    • Task type : choose Website Backup

    • Task Name : The name of the scheduled task

    • Execution cycle : time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

    • Backup website : Select the website to backup

    • Keep up-to-date : Keep the latest copies, old ones will be deleted

    • Remarks : Remarks on scheduled tasks

  2. Database backup

    Backup this user's database

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    • Task type : choose Database backup

    • Task Name : The name of the scheduled task

    • Execution cycle : time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

    • Backup Database : Select the database to backup

    • Keep up-to-date : Keep the latest copies, old ones will be deleted

    • Remarks : Remarks on scheduled tasks

  3. Log cutting

    Make backup copies of this user's website logs

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    • Task type : choose Log cutting

    • Task Name : The name of the scheduled task

    • Execution cycle : time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

    • Cutting log : Select the website to cut logs from

    • Keep up-to-date : Keep the latest copies, old ones will be deleted

    • Remarks : Remarks on scheduled tasks

  4. GET

    Use GET method to send a request to access the specified URL address

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    • Task type : choose GET

    • Task Name : The name of the scheduled task

    • Execution cycle : time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

    • URL address : Enter the URL address want to access

    • Remarks : Remarks on scheduled tasks

  5. POST

    Use POST method to send a request to access the specified URL address

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    • Task type : choose POST

    • Task Name : The name of the scheduled task

    • Execution cycle : time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

    • URL address : Enter the URL address want to access

    • Parameter configuration : Enter the parameters to be sent

    • Remarks : Remarks on scheduled tasks

Execution cycle

Time support Daily, N Days, Hourly, N Hours, N Minutes, Weekly, Monthly.

  • Daily : Executed at the specified time every day

  • N Days : Executed at the specified time every N days

  • Hourly : Execute at the specified time every hour

  • N Hours : Executed at the specified time every N hours

  • N Minutes : Executed at the specified time every N minutes

  • Weekly : Execute at specified time every week

  • Monthly : Executed at the specified time every month


Check the scheduled task execution log and view the execution results based on the log.

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  • Refresh log : Get the latest log, or refresh automatically

  • Execute : Execute task immediately