Left menu:
Click to enter the corresponding function.
Overview | Website | WP Toolkit | FTP |
Database | File | PHP | Cron |
User | Display the logged in user , as: dfaaa |
English | Displays the current language , click to switch to other languages. |
Today's Requests | Displays the number of requests today . |
Website | Displays the number of currently created websites and the maximum number of websites that can be created. Click to enter the Website management page. |
FTP | Displays the number of currently created FTPs and the maximum number of FTPs that can be created. Click to enter the FTP management page. |
Database | Displays the number of currently created databases and the maximum number of databases that can be created. Click to enter the Database management page. |
QPS | Displays the number of requests per second for all websites in real time. |
Bandwidth | Displays bandwidth usage in the past month. |
Flow | Real-time display of sending and receiving traffic status of all websites. |
Hard Disk | Displays the hard disk usage of this user. If it exceeds 100%, data cannot be written. |