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PHP Manager

Activate, install, uninstall PHP, install PHP extensions, stop and start PHP services, support multiple PHP versions, and use different users to run PHP

Need to install the corresponding PHP in the App Store of the main aaPanel before it will be displayed in the PHP list.

PHP Overview

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PHP VersionDisplays PHP version, needs to be installed in the main aaPanel first
Websites using this PHP
Displays the number of websites using the current PHP
StatusDisplay the current PHP status, which can be done after installation Started,Stopped
InstallInstall the specified version of PHP. Need to install it before you can see the corresponding PHP version on the Website or WP Toolkit
SettingsManage current PHP configuration and PHP extension management
UninstallUninstall the current PHP. If a website is using it, it cannot be uninstalled


  • Service

    Stop, Start, Restart, and Reload PHP service alt text

  • Extension

    Install/activate, uninstall PHP extensions alt text

  • Disabled Functions

    View and manage PHP disabled functions. After modification, Need to restart the PHP service to take effect. alt text

  • Common Parameters

    View and manage common PHP parameters. After modification, Need to restart the PHP service to take effect. alt text

  • Log

    View PHP running logs and slow logs.

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