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Manage this user's file management

File overview

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NewAdd a file or directory
Upload FileUpload one or more files
File NameDisplay file or directory name
SizeDisplay file size
Permissions/OwnerDisplay the permissions and owners of a file or directory
Modification TimeDisplay the modification time of a file or directory
RemarksRemarks for files or directories
OpenEnter the specified directory
EditView and edit specified files
CopyTo copy file or directory, select the file or directory and click Copy.
CutTo cut file or directory, select the file or directory and click Cut.
PasteAfter copying or cutting, can paste files or directories.
DownloadDownload the specified file
RenameRename file or directory
Modify the permissions of a file or directory
CompressCompressed file or directory
DecompressUnzip compressed files
AttributesView the properties of a file or directory
DeleteDeleting files or directories cannot be restored after deletion. Please back up and operate with caution


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  • Create New File

    Create a new filealt text

  • Create New Folder

    Create a new directoryalt text

Upload File

Upload files to the specified directory

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Online editing of files in php, txt, html and other formats

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Modify Permissions

Modify permissions of the file or directory. The default website file permissions are 644alt text


View basic information about a file or directory alt text

View detailed information about a file or directory alt text


Compress files or directories to a specified directory

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Unzip zip, gz and other files to the specified directory

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File navigation bar

Click or enter the directory path to quickly navigate to the directory. alt text