Mail Server
- Send today : Displays the number of
today, the number offailures
, and thesuccess rate
- Reject today : Displays the number of
today, the number offailures
, and thesuccess rate
Add Domain : Add a new domain name
Refresh domain record :
Refresh domain name DNS records
. Generally, it takes2 minutes
or more for new records totake effect
after they are added.Domain name : Display domain name
Quota : Display the
maximum usage space
capacity of the domain nameMailboxes : Display the
number of email users
of the domain nameDefault mailbox size : Displays the
default mail space
capacity of the mail user of the domain nameCatch All : Whether to add catch all of the domain name to receive
non-existent email addresses
SSL : Configure the
SSL certificate
of the domain name. It is recommended to use thepan-domain name certificate
: *.xxx.comDNS Record :
Click the DNS record
of the domain name and follow theprompts to add
it in the domain name resolution.Edit : Modify the information of this domain name
Delete : Delete this domain name, email users, emails, etc. will also be deleted. Please
back up data
to avoid data loss.
Add Domain
Domain name : Enter the
domain name to be added
, such as: aapanel.comA record : Enter the A record of the domain name. This
A record must point to the IP of the server
, such as: mail.aapanel.comIPs : Enter the IP address of this server
- The
IP must be consistent with the A record
of the domain name - The IP is consistent in the
Settings of aaPanel
. If it is incorrect, please modifyServer IP
manually in the Settings.
- The
Domain quota : Enter the
space capacity limit
of the domain nameMailboxes : Enter the
maximum number of email users
to add. New email users cannot be added after exceeding the limit.Catch All : Enter the email address to receive catch all. When the recipient sends a message to a
non-existent email address
, it will besent to the catch all email address
DNS Record
- Please follow the prompts to add
MX records
andTXT records
at thedomain name provider
ordomain name management office
. PTR records
are generally configured on theserver provider's website
, or at theserver network provider
Add Mailbox : Add a new mail user
WebMail : To access WebMail, Need to first
Add WebMail website inUsername : Display the email address of the mail user
Password : Display,
the password of the mail userLogin info :
the email user’sinformation
, password and other informationQuota : Display the
mail space capacity
of the mail userType : Display the type of mail user:
General user
.Status : Display the status of the mail user,
WebMail : Log in
without password
account information tolog in to WebMail
Edit : Modify the information of this email user
Delete : If you delete this mailbox user, emails, etc. will be deleted. Please
back up data first
to avoid data loss.
Click to view How to use Mail Client
Add Mailbox
Name : Enter user name
Quota : Enter the
mail space capacity
of the mail userUser type : Select the type of mail user:
General user
.Email Address : Enter the
of the email addressEmail Password : Enter the
of the mail userStatus : User status,
Mass Mail
Usually used when sending emails with the same email content to multiple recipients, such as
promotional information
,event notifications
Time : Display the time when the task was added
Name : Display the name of the task
Sender : Display the
email address
from which the email issent
To : Display the
number of recipients
Success : Display the number of
successfully sent emails
Fail : Displays the number of emails that
to be sent. Click to view thedetailed information
sent.Status : Task status:
.Edit : The task is in
status and can beedited
.Send : The task is in
status and can besent
.View : The task is in
status, Can view thedetails
of the task.Error logs : The task is in the
state, and anerror message
indicating that the email failed to be sent is displayed.Delete : delete task
Add Send Tasks
Task Name : Enter the name of the task
Sender : Select the
email address to send
the email toTo :
atxt/json type file
, containing therecipient’s email address
, one per lineMail Subject : Enter email title
Send Content : Enter the email
, orupload a txt/html type content file
Save in Outbox : Whether to save in Outbox
Email Type : Select the email type, you can
Add type inUnsubscribe Link : Add an unsubscribe link. The recipient clicks the unsubscribe link to unsubscribe from the email and it will be recorded
.Threadsnum : Automatically set the number of threads based on the number of CPU cores, or manually set the number of threads for sending emails.
unsubscribe email addressesreceived from Mass Mail
BCC is a "Blind Carbon Copy
" that allows sending a copy of an email to specified recipients, but hiding those recipients' email addresses from being visible to other recipients.
- Add BCC
Need Copy : Enter the email address of the
person being BCCed
Copy to : Enter the
receiving email address
BCC Type : Select BCC type, supported when
emails.Active : Enable BCC
Mail forward
Add Forward
Status : Enable forwarding
Forwarded users : Enter the email address of the user to be forwarded
Domain : Enter the
forwarded domain name
Receiving user : Enter the email address of the user you want to receive
Emails received by the specified user
Mark emails received by a given user as spam
emails that the specified user has sent.
Send mail
Send email
using specified user
Tips: This feature is only recommended for testing the sending function. It is recommended that you use an SMTP client to send emails.
Backup Plan : Set up an
email backup plan
and back up the email directory/www/vmail
.Mail import :
Import backup to server
. Can be obtained fromUpload from local
,Select in server
, import from thebackup list
WebMail : Add a
Roundcube website
to the PHP project and manage emails through Roundcube.Mail save time : Set the storage time of all emails. After this time, the emails will be
permanently deleted
.Automatically start services : Monitor mail server
Whether it is running, if not, it willstart automatically
.Service Status : Manage mail server
Service status andconfiguration
Feedback or Suggestions
If you encounter problems or suggestions during use, please contact us through the following methods:
- (Please describe in
or providescreenshots
Email: [email protected]